
重启一个分片集群 Restart a Sharded Cluster

The tutorial is specific to MongoDB 5.0. For earlier versions of MongoDB, refer to the corresponding version of the MongoDB Manual.

本教程对应的是MongoDB 5.0。对早期版本,可参考相关版本的手册。

This procedure demonstrates the shutdown and startup sequence for restarting a sharded cluster. Stopping or starting the components of a sharded cluster in a different order may cause communication errors between members. For example, shard servers may appear to hang if there are no config servers available.


Disable the Balancer


Disable the balancer to stop chunk migration and do not perform any metadata write operations until the process finishes. If a migration is in progress, the balancer will complete the in-progress migration before stopping.


To disable the balancer, connect to one of the cluster's mongos instances and issue the following command: [1]



To check the balancer state, issue the sh.getBalancerState() command.

检查平衡器状态,使用sh.getBalancerState() 命令。

For more information, see Disable the Balancer.

要了解更多信息,查看Disable the Balancer


自MongoDB 4.2开始,sh.stopBalancer()也可以禁用分片集群的自动分割功能。

Stop Sharded Cluster


1.Stop mongos routers

1.停止mongos 路由

Run db.shutdownServer() from the admin database on each mongos router:

在每个 mongos 路由上,从admin数据库中运行 db.shutdownServer()

use admin db.shutdownServer()

2.Stop each shard replica set


Run db.shutdownServer() from the admin database on each shard replica set member to shutdown its mongod process. Shutdown all secondary members before shutting down the primary in each replica set.

在每个分片复制集合成员的admin数据库中运行db.shutdownServer() ,以关闭其 mongod 进程。在每个复制集合关闭主模块之前,关闭所有的二级成员。

3.Stop config servers


Run db.shutdownServer() from the admin database on each of the config servers to shutdown its mongod process. Shutdown all secondary members before shutting down the primary.

在每个分片复制集合的admin数据库中运行db.shutdownServer() ,以关闭其 mongod 进程。在关闭主模块之前,关闭所有的二级成员。

Start Sharded Cluster


1.Start config servers


When starting each mongod, specify the mongod settings using either a configuration file or the command line. For more information on startup parameters, see the mongod reference page.

启动每个 mongod时,使用一个配置文件或者命令行指定 mongod的设置。要了解更多的启动参数,查看 mongod参考页。

Configuration File


If using a configuration file, start the mongod with the --config option set to the configuration file path.

如果使用配置文件,使用 --config 选项启动 mongod 以配置文件路径。

mongod --config <path-to-config-file>

Command Line

** 命令行**

If using the command line options, start the mongod with the --configsvr, --replSet, --bind_ip, and other options as appropriate to your deployment. For example:

如果使用命令行设置,用 --configsvr, --replSet, --bind_ip选项和其他适合配置的选项启动mongod ,例如:

mongod --configsvr --replSet <replica set name> --dbpath <path> --bind_ip localhost,<hostname(s)|ip address(es)>

After starting all config servers, connect to the primary mongod and run rs.status() to confirm the health and availability of each CSRS member.

启动所有的配置服务器之后,连接主mongod,并运行rs.status() 以确认每个CSRS成员的健康和有效。

2.Start each shard replica set


When starting each mongod, specify the mongod settings using either a configuration file or the command line.


Configuration File

** 配置文件**

If using a configuration file, start the mongod with the --config option set to the configuration file path.

如果使用配置文件,使用--config选项配置文件路径并启动 mongod

mongod --config <path-to-config-file>

Command Line


If using the command line option, start the mongod with the --replSet, --shardsvr, and --bind_ip options, and other options as appropriate to your deployment. For example:

如果使用命令行,使用--replSet, --shardsvr和--bind_ip选项和其他相应选项启动mongod,例如:

mongod --shardsvr --replSet <replSetname> --dbpath <path> --bind_ip localhost,<hostname(s)|ip address(es)>

After starting all members of each shard, connect to each primary mongod and run rs.status() to confirm the health and availability of each member.

在启动每个分片的所有成员之后,连接到每个主 mongod并运行rs.status() 以确认每个成员的健康和有效。

3.Start mongos routers

3.启动mongos 路由

Start mongos routers using either a configuration file or a command line parameter to specify the config servers.

使用一个配置文件或者命令行参数指定配置服务器,启动 [mongos]路由。

Configuration File

** 配置文件**

If using a configuration file, start the mongos specifying the --config option and the path to the configuration file.

如果使用配置文件,指定--config选项配置文件路径并启动 mongod

mongos --config <path-to-config>

For more information on the configuration file, see configuration options.

要了解更多配置文件信息,查看 configuration options

Command Line

** 命令行**

If using command line parameters, start the mongos and specify the --configdb, --bind_ip, and other options as appropriate to your deployment. For example:

如果使用命令行参数,指定--configdb, --bind_ip和其他相应选项启动 mongod。例如:



Before binding to a non-localhost (e.g. publicly accessible) IP address, ensure you have secured your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see Security Checklist. At minimum, consider enabling authentication and hardening network infrastructure.

绑定到一个非本地IP地址之前,要确保你的集群如果遇到未授权访问的安全性。如果想查看安全建议的完整列表,查看Security Checklist。最少,考虑 enabling authenticationhardening network infrastructure

mongos --configdb <configReplSetName>/cfg1.example.net:27019,cfg2.example.net:27019 --bind_ip localhost,<hostname(s)|ip address(es)>

Re-Enable the Balancer


Re-enable the balancer to resume chunk migrations.


Connect to one of the cluster's mongos instances and run the sh.startBalancer() command: [2]

连接一个集群的mongos 实例并运行sh.startBalancer() 命令:


To check the balancer state, issue the sh.getBalancerState() command.

使用sh.getBalancerState() 命令检查平衡器状态。

For more information, see Enable the Balancer.

要了解更多信息,查看Enable the Balancer


Validate Cluster Accessibility


Connect a mongo shell to one of the cluster's mongos processes. Use sh.status() to check the overall cluster status.

连接一个 mongo 命令行到一个集群的mongos 进程。使用sh.status() 检查整体的集群状态。

To confirm that all shards are accessible and communicating, insert test data into a temporary sharded collection. Confirm that data is being split and migrated between each shard in your cluster. You can connect a mongo shell to each shard primary and use db.collection.find() to validate that the data was sharded as expected.

要确认所有的分片是可访问的和可通信的,把测试数据插入到一个临时的分片集合当中。在你的集合的每个分片间确认数据正在被分割和迁移。你可以把一个mongo 命令行连接到每个分片的主块区,使用db.collection.find()验证数据是否按预期进行了分片。



To prevent potential data loss or reading stale data, do not start application reads and writes to the cluster until after confirming the cluster is healthy and accessible.




